Simply, K : Welcome to Sunday Gems

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I never thought this site would have a blog component but when the idea came to me, I decided to just go with it. For those who don’t know, my name is Kayla and I do…a lot of things that I love and I’ve been blessed enough to be able to make a career out of it. I am a personal stylist, a television and film costume designer, a swimwear designer and creative director for my own brands as well as a creative director for the brands of others. I’m immensely private but I’m learning to open up more so here’s a few things about ya girl.

-All of my friends call me K or Kay, so since you’re here reading my thoughts, we’re friends so you’re welcome to call me that as well.

-I am a proud native of New Orleans and my hometown is intertwined and represented in everything that I do.

-I am a Cancer sun and Capricorn moon and rising, if that means anything to you.

-The beach and my travels inspire my every creation.

-I loveeeeee television and film and will pretty much watch anything.

-I curse like a sailor and forget that until it’s usually too late.

-My mother named me after Jasmine Guy’s character on The Fresh Prince though my name was almost Whitley Bell.

-I’m not sure how you found me or what prompted you to read this but I’m so glad you’re here! Sunday Gems is my new baby. Sunday’s, for me, are always full of restoration, reflection and manifesting and have become my favorite day of the week. With that said, it was on a Sunday that this idea even came to me so I took it as a sign. On Sunday’s, I’ll be here dropping gems that I’ve learned along the way, shit that I am still learning, and things that I’m wanting to learn and apply. Some of the gems may be fashion related and some may just end up being my verbal rambling jotted down in written form though I’ll try my hardest not to do that… I promise. Welcome to Sunday Gems.

Kayla Bell